Frequently asked questions

Who can apply to the World Explorers Grant?

Anyone can apply for the World Explorer Grand. There is no restriction to nationality, religion, gender, ethnicity, experience, occupation, age or any other criteria.

What are the selection criteria?

There are no hard criteria, but the selection will be based around criteria such as, how meaningful our funding will be to realise the expedition, the purpose, goals and benefit of the expedition, how unique the adventure is, has it been done before and/or does it help to understand our planet even better or connect cultures.

Intentions to publish books or talks about the adventure is generally considered positive, as they can enhance the impact of the expedition. How sustainable the expedition is and the determination, motivation and spirit of the explorer or exploration team applying also plays a role.

We are therefore more likely to choose meaningful and explorative adventures, where we can have a significant financial impact and are less likely to fund trips with a key focus on personal experiences.

How are the funds paid out?

Once your expedition has been selected, we will agree on a payment form. We are flexible and can adjust to the most suitable payment for you, depending on your needs and where in the world you are located. Either through regular bank transfers, via online services, or other means. We aim for the most seamless, convenient, and cost-effective solution.

Depending on your expedition timeline and preparation needs, it might be that we transfer the funds in tranches to accommodate for your expenses when they occur.

The equipment will be send to you as soon as possible - no matter where you life in the world.

What is the size of the World Explorers Grant?

The total size is not determined yet, but we expect to fund selected expeditions and adventures in the range of several hundred USD. 

We will decide after reviewing all applications how many expeditions will be funded.
In the future, we expect both the individual funding and the total funding to increase.

On top of monetary funding, there will be equipment that is given to the winners.


The total value per winner is estimated to be around USD2000+

When will I be notified?

You will be notified once the application window is closed and the reviewing process has started. 
We expect to notify the winners beginning of May 2023.

What are the obligations attached to the World Explorer Grant?

The funds have to be used in direct relation to the expedition and we expect a start within 12 months. Should there be significant delays or cancellations, we request for the funds to be returned, but you have the choice to re-apply. Extraordinary circumstances (i.e. pandemics) will of course be considered reasonably.

Another obligation is that we can report on your adventures and that you provide us with updates, information, or pictures, which are free for us to use to, for example, promote you and your adventure.

To ensure that we can continue to work with amazing partners, we and our partners appreciate that once you have won and received the gear, that you do your best to show picture, or other media of you using the gear.


How many times per year do you distribute funds?

We expect to distribute funding once or twice a year.

Where are the funds coming from?

The funds are coming purely from private donations of enthusiastic explorers themselves. 
As of now, the majority of the funding comes from personal funds of the initiators of the World Explorers Collective.

Equipment sponsoring comes from our partners.

How to become a sponsor?

We are always looking for sponsors and contributors.

We are beyond grateful, if you want to donate a little bit: Donate

If you want to partner with us and be a sponsor, send us a mail:

How will I receive the products?

Once you have been notified that you have been selected, we will align with you a timeline for shipping. You will receive all products in one package.
In case of supply shortages, please note that it can be possible that alternative products will be offered.

Can I choose different products or just more cash?

No. These are high-end products from our trusted partners who truly want to support explorers around the world with premium gear.
It is not possible to change or exchange them.

I have applied before, can I apply again?

Yes. You can always apply, even if you have applied before.

Help us to help others

Corporate and professional sponsor

Your company or brand can sponsor in various ways:

  • Main sponsor to enhance your brand reach
  • Gear and equipment sponsor to market new products
  • Partnerships to support specific athletes or destinations

⭐️ Your benefit:
A focused and dedicated community means only small investment needed to get significant exposure for the target audience

Personal contributor

The first World Explorers Grant was given out to five explorers using, personal funds. To have more impact, and reach more explorers around the world, a small donation can make a huge impact.

Please donate a small amount, share it with friends and help grow the World Explorers Grant to help adventurous minds around the world.

All donations will exclusively be used to fund expeditions.


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